Matt and Mattingly's Ice Cream Social Wikia

Episode arty by twitter user slakingfool


Original Air date: April 12th, 2020

Caption: Matt's kid achieves another milestone. Scoop Mail! Audio Jock vs Nerd trivia!

Running time: 1:27

Recording location: The Churn version 7


The hosts talk about wearing their masks out in public. Paul indicates that he was possibly served by a Dutch Brothers employee that had COVID-19. Matt talks about one of his friends that delivers for a dispensary.

Matt says that his house was missed by the Thunderbird fly-overs. Jacob reports that SJ wants a roof-top deck to be built on their house. Paul things that the deck will be populated by raccoons and roof wolves. Paul states that Coyote means "shingle wolves." (Episode Title reference). Paul proposes using bug spray to get rid of the shingle wolves.

A Fake Commercial Peter Vanderbilt Smetherthen IV's Quarry and Gravel Pit.

Matt tries to talk about the Trolls movie. Jacob talks about liking the newest Star Wars. Paul tries to rewrite his past statements indicating that he is ok with other people liking the newest starwars.

A Fake Commercial for Donna's Deodorant that works for an hour.


  • Verminous Scoop proposes trading in the Hi Fives for life for an over-the-pants baseball player spank
  • Scoopendus sends in his experience with catching COVID-19
  • Scoops-a-lot-Travis talks about trying a meat-infused water but did not tell the story in a satisfactory way.
  • Little Sally Scoop tells a story about their father-in-law scheduling an email for the future.
  • Octoscoop sends in a working-from-home story.
  • Angry Goose Scoop writes in about having their tree pruned and reported by a predatory arborist.
  • Theoretical Scoop writes in on his expertise about elephants and milking their prostates (a two-person job).

Jock vs. Nerd[]

The hunt for balls theme is played. The Scoopberry Jam and the SITU podcast sends in an audio, Australian Science-themed Jock Vs. Nerd.

Characters and Bits[]

  • A Double-decker gazebo
  • Keillor as a lawn goat
  • Deoderass - ba dee bedebe
  • Softer than a High Five
  • A Kiss on the Butt encourages the spread of some things
  • Paul sings a Beans and Rice song
  • Paul would love to have 5 dogs
  • Matt does not like horror movies.
  • Rectal Palpitation - Paul's college band